What is number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100?
- percentage
- fraction
- principal
- amount
What is numbers represented using numerator and denominator?
- percentage
- fraction
- principal
- amount
What is money borrowed or lent?
- percentage
- fraction
- principal
- amount
What is total money returned by the borrower to the lender after a certain period of time?
- percentage
- fraction
- principal
- amount
What is additional money given by the borrower to use the principal ?
- time
- rate of interest
- interest
- principal
What is percentage of principal paid every year?
- time
- rate of interest
- interest
- principal
What is period for which the money is borrowed or lent?
- time
- rate of interest
- interest
- principal
Write 1/5 as percent
- 20%
- 3/5 %
- 175%
Write 60% as fraction
- 2/5
- 3/5
- 4/5
Convert 2.25 as percentage
- 2.25%
- 22.5%
- 225%
- 2250%