Till what distance a tiger's roar can be heard?
- 4 kilometres
- 3 kilometres
- 7 kilometres
- 13 kilometres
Which animal spends 17 hours a day sleeping ?
- Sloth
- Monkey
- Cat
- Python
How do Fishes give alarm?
- by electric signals
- by making different sounds
- by creating different patterns
- by making a special warning call
For how many hours does a cat sleep?
- 12
- 18
- 6
- 10
Which part of the tiger is very sensitive and can sense the movements or vibrations in air?
- Ears
- Whiskers
- Tail
- Eyes
For how many hours does a python sleep?
- 12
- 18
- 6
- 3
How do mosquitoes detect humans?(multiple answers are correct)
- by heat of the body
- by smell of the sole of the feet
- by smell of the body
- by seeing
For how many hours does a cow sleep?
- 4
- 6
- 8
- 12
For how many hours does a giraffe sleep?
- 4
- 2
- 6
- 8
Pick up an animal which goes into hibernation.
- lizard
- tiger
- lion
- cat
People who kill animals are called?
- hunters
- poachers
- swimmers
- travellers
Elephants are killed for their?
- tusks
- horns
- skins
- Eyes
Rhinoceros are killed for their?
- tusks
- horns
- skins
- eyes
Tigers are killed for their?
- tusks
- horns
- skins
- eyes
Musk deer are killed for their?
- tusks
- horns
- skins
- scent from its musk
Crocodiles are killed for their?
- tusks
- horns
- skins
- eyes
How do tigers mark their area?
- urine
- scent
- roar
- by using some sort of sign
Animals that are awke at night can see things only in ?
- black and white
- red
- purple
- blue
How do dogs mark their area?
- urine
- potty
- scent
- barking
How do male insects recognise the female insects?
- smell
- sound
- taste
- touch