The distance between Radha's school and home is 3250 m. What is this distance in km?
325.0 km
32.50 km
3.250 km
0.3250 km
While measuring the length of a needle using a broken ruler, the reading of the scale a one end is 3.0 cm and the other end is 33.1 cm. What is the length of the needle?
33.1 cm
3.0 cm
20.1 cm
30.1 cm
Motion of the hands of a clock are an example of what kind of motion?
Circular motion
Periodic motion
Circular motion and periodic motion
None of these
Four children use different ways as given below to measure the length of the table which is about 2 m. Who would get the most accurate length?
Sampath measured it with a half metre long thread.
Gurpreet measured it with a 15 cm scale from her geometry box.
Rita measured it using her hand span.
Salman measured it using a 5 m long measuring tape.
Which is the best device to measure the length of a curved line?
Foot steps
Hand span
What is least count of an instrument?
Maximum amount that can be measured by a device
Minimum amount that can be measured by a device
The amount which cannot be measured by a device
None of these
In the following figure, the proper way of reading the scale is
Any of the three ways can be chosen
The distance between Delhi and Mumbai is usually expressed in units of