Digital painting

Tux paint:

It is a free drawing software designed for young children. Its features are :

·        Simple, easy to use interface.

·        Encouraging sound effects

·        A cartoon mascot to guide users on how to use the programs.

Using Tux paint:

·        A title/credit screen appears when Tux paint first loads.

·        Once loading is complete, click on the mouse or wait for 30 seconds until the title screen goes away automatically.

tux paint title screen.PNG

·        The main screen is the working area and is divided into the following sections :

1.     Tool bar : It is on the left side of the screen and has control options to draw and edit images.

2.     Drawing canvas: It is the middle part of screen where the image is drawn.

3.     Selector: The right side of the screen contains the selector which shows various options associated with a specific tool which is selected from the toolbar on the left side.

4.     Colors: The lower area of the screen has the color palette for selection of colors.

5.     Help: At the bottom of the screen, Tux, the linux penguin provides tips and other information related to drawing.

main screen.PNG

            Tools icons:

·        The paint brush tool allows freehand drawing by using different brushes available in the selector section.


·        The stamp tool is a set of rubber stamps or images to be used as stickers.


·        The left and right arrows are used to scroll or move through the collections.

arrows tool.PNG

·        The lines tool is used to draw lines.

lines tool.PNG

·        The shapes tool is used to draw some simple filled and unfilled shapes.

shapes tool.PNG

·        The text tool is used to add text to a drawing.

text tool.PNG

·        The magic tool is a set of special tools used to create a number of visual effects either by clicking or dragging on the canvas.

magic tool.PNG

·        The eraser tool is used to erase parts of the drawing.


·        The undo tool is used to reverse a command given earlier.


·        The redo tool is used to reverse the action of the undo tool.


·        The new button is used to start a new drawing.


·        The open tool is used to open an existing drawing file.


·        The save tool is used to save the current drawing.


·        The print tool is used to print the current drawing.


·        The quit tool is used to close the tux paint window.


Tux Math:

Tux math is an open-source, arcade-style video game for learning arithmetic. The software intends to make learning effective and fun. The title screen opens up to Math Command Training Academy, which in turn opens a list of over 50 prepared lessons on topics ranging from simple typing of single digit numbers to multiplication and division involving negative numbers and finding out missing numbers.

The player wins is the list of questions is completed and is indicated by flashing a golden star.

The Play Arcade Game option can be selected to play one of the four open ended arcade style games. The game gets faster and faster as the player can keep up with the goal to achieve the highest possible score.The four options include:

·        Space Cadet - simple addition.

·        Scout - addition and subtraction to ten.

·        Ranger - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to ten.

·        Ace - all four operations with operands to 20, including negative numbers and "missing number" type questions.


The Play Custom Game option can be used to play a game based on the config file in player’s home directory. “Demo” mode as well as credits and project information can be found under More Options.