Primary colors are
- magenta, cyan and yellow
- red, blue and green
- all the above colors
- none of the above colors
Secondary colors are
- magenta, cyan and yellow
- red, blue and green
- all the above colors
- none of the above colors
Combination of VIBGYOR is
- black
- white
- red
- violet
Color with shorter wavelength is
- black
- white
- red
- violet
Color with longer wavelength is
- black
- white
- red
- violet
What is an object that has atleast two flat surfaces from an acute angle?
- prism
- newton disk
- all the above
- none of the above
What is cardboard disc with 7 equal sectors colored VIBGYOR?
- prism
- newton disk
- all the above
- none of the above
The images that are obtained on the screen are called
- virtual image
- real image
- erect image
- none of the above
The images that cannot be obtained on the screen are called
- virtual image
- real image
- erect image
- none of the above
What is formed only by opaque objects?
- Eclipse
- Rainbow
- Shadow
- None of the above